Sunday, 9 March 2008

Surely Shum Mishtake

The Guardian has a secret crush on Fake Steve Jobs, the way you do an old school or university friend - not something to shout about, but who's to suspect your interest if you casually mention them in conversation?  It seems The Observer, their sister paper of a Sunday, hasn't been invited to the love-in.  50 powerful blogs they list and no mistake.

Blog Power = Voltage X Current (the acerbic quotient of the author X the relevance of their subject matter)

Blog Power (also) = Work / Time (the power to waste your time reading the same thing on ten feeds / the amount of work you should be doing)

50 blogs, but no Fake Steve - how d'you like them apples?  This must be what happens when half the staff go to Austin for SXSW while the rest stay up to cover the cricket from New Zealand.  A rear-guard action from the regular team (who have to churn out six papers in a week, not just the one) could restore the imbalance, but they've cunningly left it to the readers to fill in the blanks and thus preserve office relations.

Fake Steve invented the iPod, and yes we have heard of it... but he's not worth arguing with your colleagues over, eh.


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