Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Ageing gamers given a bleak vision of the future

Computer gamers in their late twenties and early thirties were given a stark warning recently, when they were soundly thrashed by their 10 year-old nieces on Wii Sports. The resulting awareness of their own mortality was particularly acute for those who initially declined to play on the grounds that they are “quite competitive in games and it wouldn’t be fair”.

Eye-witnesses reported a complete inability to simultaneously move with the nunchuck while aiming with the remote, accompanied by growing frustration at being told that: “it’s easy when you get the knack of it”.

Barry Davidson, who recently completed Silent Hill 3 in just over three hours, said: “It was really interesting to experience a totally new control paradigm. For someone like me, who is used to interfacing with games in quite an abstract way, the level of direct control offered by the Wii represents a very significant learning curve.

“At the end of the day though, I just can’t fucking believe I got owned by my niece. I’m basically as good as dead.”

10 year-old Emily Davidson added: “Look uncle Barry! I beat you again! I won!”

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